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Business Travel Tips

Business Travel Tips

As a business traveler, you know that no two trips are the same—each presents its unique set of obstacles and opportunities. 

But there’s one thing all successful business travelers keep in mind: preparation is essential! Of course, everyone has their preferences for tackling each trip, but if you want to ensure your journey is seamless and efficient, this article is for you.

Booking Tips

Use a Miles Card

Business travel often requires booking last-minute flights and accommodations, which can quickly add up in costs.

Fortunately, business travelers can save money and time by using a Miles Card to book flights and hotels. 

  • Miles Cards give business travelers VIP treatment when booking business trips, allowing for instant reservations at discounted prices.
  • Many Miles Cards come with exclusive offers, such as complimentary breakfast and lounge access, that business travelers will surely appreciate.

Using a Miles Card can significantly reduce the cost and hassle of business travel, making it the perfect tool for business professionals on the go.

Try and Book with the Same Airline (We Like Delta)

Business travel can be a stressful experience, so booking flights with an airline you trust can ease some of that stress. (We recommend flying with Delta airlines because they frequently offer competitive fares while providing customers with the reassurance of reliability, excellent customer service, and miles programs added benefits.)

Booking trips with the same airline has its advantages, such as: 

  • All departures and arrivals are typically through the same terminal each time
  • This makes parking, checking in, and navigating to the departure area much simpler 
  • You’ll accumulate bonus points and reap more rewards with frequent flyer miles

So if a business requires that you travel often – why not set yourself up for success and make it easier on yourself by flying with one trusted airline?

Packing Tips

Pack a Backup Battery

Packing adequately for business travel can be a challenge, but there’s one item in particular that is a must-have- a backup battery.

  • An extra backup can help ensure that your essential digital tasks are taken care of.
  • Keep a spare cord or two handy, just in case you need to plug into an unfamiliar outlet.

Keeping yourself prepared and well-stocked before business trips will make the experience far less stressful and ensure you’ve got everything needed for a successful business excursion.

Pack Your Noise-Canceling Headphones

One tip that business travelers should pay attention to is packing noise-canceling headphones.

There are many benefits to using noise-canceling headphones while traveling:

  • Airports and planes can be noisy and chaotic, and investing in quality noise-canceling headphones provides peace during your travels.
  • These headphones reduce background noise when taking important business calls or trying to concentrate on work during travel.
  • Noise-canceling headphones help business travelers listen to music, take a short break from all business activities, and relax with entertainment.

Investing in quality noise-canceling headphones is an essential business travel tip to help business travelers retain the focus and recharge needed for successful business trips.

Purchase noise cancelling headphones for your business trip

Pack a Bluetooth Adaptor

One of the most essential tips for business travelers is to pack a Bluetooth adaptor. 

A Bluetooth adaptor will ensure business travelers stay connected during their business trips, ensuring they do not miss any important business calls or emails while in transit.

In addition to setting up business connections, you can use the Bluetooth adaptor to: 

  • Quickly print documents
  • Add presentations onto a projector
  • Transfer essential files or videos
  • Or any other last-minute technological business tasks

Traveling for business purposes should be stress-free, and having a Bluetooth adaptor at hand can help achieve that goal.

Use Packing Cubes

When going on business trips, packing can quickly become a daunting task. Packing cubes are essential for keeping everything organized and easily accessible.

  • These cubes are a great way to organize clothes, shoes, and other items in your suitcase while also reducing space. 
  • Not only will they help you keep your belongings neat until you reach your destination, but they’ll make unpacking easier too! 

When it comes to business travel, there is no such thing as being too organized – thanks to packing cubes, that organization has never been easier.

Check the Prohibited Items List

When business travel beckons, checking the prohibited items list before packing is essential.

Commonly prohibited items include the following: 

  • certain food products
  • aerosols
  • sharp objects
  • weapons 
  • flammable liquids

Before business travel, research what specific items are prohibited in your destination country, and never pack anything that could be illegal or cause harm. 

Bring a Carry On and a Backpack

For business trips of any length, one of the most important pre-trip tips is to bring both a carry-on and a backpack. 

This will ensure that you’ll have enough storage for all your belongings without having to lug around a heavy suitcase. 

The carry-on should contain: 

  • any delicate items or expensive electronics, such as a business laptop or tablet
  • any essential business materials you don’t want to risk losing through baggage
  • other larger, important items such as toiletries and business attire

The backpack can store:

  • snacks
  • beverages
  • smaller necessities like phone chargers, light business documents, and books

Using both a carry-on and a backpack for business trips, you can optimize the packing process for maximum convenience during business travel.

Use a Suit Bag

One of the best business travel tips is to use a suit bag when packing for business trips.

There are several benefits to using a suit bag: 

  • Keeps your business attire organized and wrinkle-free. 
  • Easier than carrying bulky luggage through hotels and airports.
  • Lightweight and compact, with space for two complete outfits.
  • Many models feature built-in garment hanging capabilities.

Packing with a suit bag is the ideal way to stay business-ready on the go!

Day Before/Of Travel Tips

Show Up Early

Planning business trips often require a great deal of organization and preparation. One essential business travel tip is to show up early on the day of your business trip.

Early arrival ensures that you can: 

  • Have time to go through security or check in with plenty of time before any deadlines
  • Give you time to adjust for unexpected delays, such as traffic or airline-related issues, so you don’t miss your flight or business meeting.
  • Settle in without feeling rushed

So when planning business trips, give yourself extra time by showing up early before boarding or checking in for business events.

Arrive early for business travel

Confirming Reservations

When planning business travel, one of the most important tips is to take the time to confirm all your reservations in advance, especially on the day before and even the day of travel.

  • This can mean confirming airlines, hotels, rental cars, and any other services you may use along your business journey.
  • Airlines sometimes overbook or switch itineraries without proper notice, so it’s wise to confirm things such as flights and seats well ahead of time. 

No businessperson enjoys running late for important meetings because their flight was canceled due to poor planning. Take a few minutes to ensure everything is up-to-date the day before a business trip, and put yourself in the best position possible for success.

Checking Into Your Flight

Getting to the airport on time is essential when preparing for business travel. T

o guarantee a stress-free journey, ensure you check into your flight at least 24 hours before departure.

Not only will this give you peace of mind, but it also allows you to take advantage of travel perks such as: 

  • selecting your seat
  • reserving business class
  • or checking an extra bag.

Digital check-in means less stress when dropped at the hotel curb and more time focused on business goals. Following these tips for business travel will ensure every trip is smooth sailing.

Print Out Key Information

Planning a business trip can be an overwhelming experience, so it’s important to take the time before your business travel to prepare everything you’ll need for your trip. 

One of the most crucial business travel tips is to print out essential information such as: 

  • plane tickets
  • travel itinerary
  • business contacts
  • and emergency numbers (such as a car crash lawyer or a doctor).

Not only will this ensure that you’re thoroughly prepared for any situation – but if your phone runs out of battery and you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, having physical copies of these documents can come in handy! 

Make sure your business travel preparation includes printing out key information and always keep it on you during your business trips.

Get Small Bills for Tips

One of the items that can travelers often overlook is small bills for tips during their business trips.

Nobody likes being caught without cash or asking someone to break a hundred-dollar bill, so it’s important to have five, ten, and twenties in your wallet when traveling for business.

It can be beneficial to plan out how much you will need per day and bring the right amount of money for tips, so you don’t overspend or have too little left over at the end of your business journey.

Ensure Your Phone is Charged

When it comes to business travel, having a charged phone is critical. 

A day before, or the morning of your business trip, make sure you have good battery life on your phone as you will need it for:

  • taking notes for business meetings
  • connecting with colleagues and business partners
  • updating your social media accounts
  • and any other business communication needs

Make sure to also bring a backup device like a laptop or tablet in case your phone dies. Being prepared with a charged phone assures you that everything needed for business is accounted for before you even leave for the trip.

Dress Light

Many business travelers don’t realize that dressing too formally takes up space and causes stress and inconvenience when traveling. 

Opting for clothing items made of lightweight material will help business travelers remain comfortable while on the go without sacrificing their put-together appearance. 

Some great choices include: 

  • breathable fabrics like cotton
  • relaxed silhouettes such as pleated trousers
  • linen blouses
  • cardigans
  • and loafer flats

These garments look stylish and still provide flexibility during long commutes.

With well-planned business travel strategies and the understanding that less is often more, business travelers will have no issues looking stylish and feeling comfortable during their business trip.

Use the Business Lounge

If you’re taking a business trip, one of the tips to keep in mind is to use business lounges.

Many major airports offer business lounges where business travelers can access much-needed relaxation before or after their flight.

Use the business lounge for business travel

Business lounges often provide business travelers with valuable resources such as:

  • complimentary drinks and snacks
  • high-speed Wi-Fi
  • Equipment such as computers, printers, and scanners
  • showers
  • and even meeting spaces for hosting business partners or colleagues

By availing of business lounge services, business travelers can get away from crowded airport terminals with comfortable amenities tailored to their needs.

Download a Movie

For business travelers, the day before or the day of their business travels can be stressful. One tip to get through such days with some added enjoyment is downloading a movie or two beforehand.

  • While there will likely be plenty to keep you busy on the plane or train, there may also be times when having a movie on your device comes in handy to pass the time.
  • Doing this ensures that there is something enjoyable and entertaining to watch while traveling, staying in a hotel, waiting at an airport, or even just sitting idle between business activities during the trip.

Instead of spending extra time and money trying to locate good entertainment during layovers, come prepared with something you enjoy watching while away. 

During Your Stay Tips

Collect Receipts

When traveling for business, it’s essential to practice good financial habits. One of the best tips is to collect your receipts throughout your business trip.

  • Saving these receipts will help keep track of business expenses and keep a clear record of what you purchased with business funds.
  • Collecting receipts can also help business travelers get reimbursed by their companies, as they often require proof documents and expense reports.

It may seem tedious, but collecting those receipts can be very useful in the future.

Keep Offline Copies of Everything

A vital tip to consider is to keep offline copies of everything related to your business travel– from hotel reservations to business documents. 

If something gets lost or misplaced, the offline records will be available in a pinch.

Having everything you need backed up can provide peace of mind and prevent any hiccups during business trips by ensuring you preserve all essential information.

Beat Jet Lag With Exercise

One of the best business travel tips is to beat jet lag with exercise. 

Taking walks and running around your hotel when you land may seem like more work after a long business flight, but it will help your body adjust to the new time zone quicker than taking naps throughout the day. 

Beat jet lag with exercise

Exercise also has benefits such as: 

  • mood improvement
  • more energy
  • and better concentration

All these will help you stay alert and productive during business trips that often require extended work hours.

Stick to Your Daily Routines

When traveling for business, it’s important to stick to your daily routines. Keeping up with your routine as best you can maximize productivity and prevent stress-related illnesses.

Continue doing simple things such as: 

  • waking up at the same time each day
  • reserving quiet time each morning to plan your day
  • and having regular meals

Sticking to routines helps make business travel less overwhelming and ensures that you remain productive throughout the trip.

Work from Somewhere that Isn’t Your Hotel

One business travel tip that can significantly impact you is steering clear of working out of your hotel room. As convenient as it may seem, the best way to work is by opting for an environment outside your temporary living space.

This could include:

  • Coffee shops
  • Libraries
  • Coworking spaces
  • Internet cafes

There are plenty of options, so research the location before arrival to get a good idea of what workplaces are available.

work outside your hotel business travel tips

We Hope This Helps You Prepare for Business Travel Success

Business travel can be daunting and stressful sometimes, but following these tips can help make it a more enjoyable experience. 

Keeping your receipts, having offline copies of important documents, and staying alert with exercise and healthy routines will help you stay on top of business tasks during the trip and give you the tools to get back home feeling recharged. 

Now we’d like to hear from you; what business travel tips do you recommend? Let us know in the comments!

Good luck and safe business travels!

Business Travel Tips FAQ

How can I make my business travel better?

The best way to make business travel better is to plan and prepare. This includes collecting all receipts, creating offline copies of essential documents, exercising to help beat jet lag, and sticking to your daily routines.

What are the five most important things you should take on a business trip?

The five most important things to take on business trips are a passport/ID, laptop, business documents, phone charger, and a power bank.

What are the important details of business travel?

The important details of business travel include:
Researching the location beforehand.
Planning for currency conversion.
Renting a car if necessary.
Booking proper accommodation.
Packing business-friendly attire.
Being aware of local laws and business etiquette in the destination country.

What are your top 10 travel tips?

1. Create backups of important documents and business information.
2. Beat jet lag with exercise.
3. Stick to your daily routines as much as possible.
4. Work from somewhere other than your hotel room.
5. Collect all business travel receipts for reimbursement purposes later on.
6. Pack business-friendly clothes.
7. Bring a universal power adapter for your devices.
8. Pack a few extra business cards
9. Make sure to have the proper business travel insurance before departure.
10. Research the business culture and local laws of your travel destination.

What should you not forget on a business trip?

The most important things to remember on business trips are your business documents, passport/ID, laptop, phone charger, and power bank.