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Custom Button Badges with Logos for Business Promotion in the UK

Custom Button Badges with Logos for Business Promotion in the UK

Button Badges business promotion in the UK

The business world is extremely competitive nowadays and every business needs to come up with innovative ways to help it stand out from its rivals and leave a lasting impression on both its existing clients and potential new ones. And to achieve this, they need to use every tool that they have at their disposal. One of the best is giving away custom button badges with logos. They are effective yet affordable accessories for business promotion in the United Kingdom. To help you optimise your strategy for using custom button badges as business promotional tools in the UK, this article delves into the concept of custom badges, how to use them and their various benefits.

Defining custom button badges

When we talk about custom button badges, we refer to small pins or similar accessories in the form of badges that are adorned with a company logo, corporate colours, slogan or other designs. The manufacturers of custom button badges usually make them from high-quality materials including plastics or metal to make these pins. People who receive these pins can attach them to their clothes, for example, on the lapels of their jackets and other things like bags or lanyards. The badges act as mini-billboards as they showcase your brand, by displaying your logo or marketing message.

Ways to use custom button badges with logos for business promotion in the UK

As a company, you can use custom button badges to promote your business in the UK in several ways including:

Using them as part of a customer loyalty programs

You can incorporate custom button badges in your customer loyalty programs where you give them out as rewards for reaching certain milestones, shopping for given amounts, and so on. This can encourage your clients to keep their engagement with your brand going, promote a sense of exclusivity, and offer an incentive to your customers to keep relating with your company.

Using them in trade shows and other events

If you are hosting company events or trade shows, you can talk to Rocket Badge to make high-quality custom button badges for you to give out as freebies during those events. These accessories can be perfect promotional giveaways that can help to attract people to your stand or booth. Moreover, when the event attendees wear your badges, they become walking billboards creating awareness of your company and brand in the event and after that.

Giving them out during in-store promotions

As you carry out promos in your store, you can give out custom button badges to the customers who buy goods worth over a certain set amount. This improves customer satisfaction and encourages repeat visits, and fosters brand loyalty.

Using badges as packaging enhancements

You can include your company’s custom badges as surprise freebies with your products. Any small gift adds a pleasant surprise, adds value to the purchase and creates a lasting unboxing experience. If the customers decide to wear the custom badges, they give your company more exposure wherever they go.

Benefits of custom button badges with logos for business promotion in the UK 

Here are some of the benefits of using custom badges with logos to promote your company in the UK:

They are cost effective

Ordering badges in large quantities allows you to enjoy a lower cost per piece due to the impressive discounts you can get. This means you create awareness about your brand affordably and without impacting your budget too hard. Besides, these accessories last a long time so you continue promoting your business at no extra cost.

They enhance brand visibility 

Custom badges as promotional tools for your business in the UK act as portable billboards giving your brand exposure to lots of existing and potential customers. And if employees receive the badges and wear them proudly, your staff can act as your brand ambassadors creating awareness of your brand wherever they go.

They are versatile

You can use button badges in many ways in addition to those discussed above, to promote your company. And the good thing is that they work perfectly in all those ways helping you achieve your goals.

They are easy to customise for the intended recipient 

Because you may want to gift the badges to different people, you can have specially designed ones for specific groups of people. Also, you can tailor the accessories for different events.


Custom button badges are excellent business promotional tools in the UK, and you should consider using them to market your company. Their cost-effectiveness, versatility, visual impact and other benefits make them great tools to use to push your brands.

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