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Do It! Selling with David Newman » Succeed As Your Own Boss

Do It! Selling with David Newman » Succeed As Your Own Boss

Do It! Selling with David Newman featured imageDavid Newman is the best-selling author of Do It! Marketing and his latest book, Do It! Selling. He’s also the founder of the Do It! MBA mentoring program and host of The Selling Show, a top-rated business podcast with over 300 episodes. David helps professional service sellers land better clients, bigger deals, and higher fees. For more information, head over to DoItMarketing.com/Selling.

If you’re looking for ways to boost your sales, you’re in the right place! We have suggestions for fixing your mindset about sales if you’re one of these people who hate sales. Here on the SmallBiz Chat Podcast, we talk about how to start and grow a successful small business. Today, my guest, David Newman, has amazing insight to share, and you will get sage advice from multiple angles. Listen in for some exciting takeaways!

We always work on three things at the same time: mindset, skillset, and toolset – and getting people in the action because action leads to traction, traction leads momentum, momentum leads to results.” – David Newman

Listen to the podcast below:


Do It! Selling with David Newman quote

This week on SmallBizChat Podcast:

  • How David created the Do It! Marketing MBA.
  • The biggest challenges people have with sales. 
  • Changing the mindset from sales being a necessary evil. 
  • Doing what you must do to get to do what you want. 
  • Replacing sales with invitations to conversations. 
  • Changing behavior through mindset. 
  • Serving before selling. Helping before pitching. 
  • Doubling down on the marketing and networking opportunities that you find enjoyable. 
  • Ask for the referral as soon as the deal is sealed. 

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