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25 Best Side Hustles For Creatives (2024): Make 0+/mo

25 Best Side Hustles For Creatives (2024): Make $500+/mo

What are the best side hustles for creatives?

If you have a creative passion, you may feel like it’s not possible to make money from it. But that’s not true at all!

In this post, I’ll share my top side hustles for creatives based on:

  • My 15+ years of side hustle experience
  • Conversations with 100s of creative hustlers
  • Schedule flexibility and earning power

Ready? Let’s do it!

25 Best Side Hustles For Creatives (2024): Make 0+/mo

1. Sell Printables on Etsy

Selling printables on Etsy is a great way to make extra money if you have an eye for design and love researching new niches.

etsy printables

For example, Rachel Jones reported earning up to $10,000 a month without any inventory.

2. Print on Demand Products

Merch by Amazon is a fun way to make extra money. Upload your t-shirt (and other product) designs, set your price, and then let Amazon do all the work of printing and shipping your orders.

Elaine Heney made over $50,000 doing this part-time and shared some of her tips on The Side Hustle Show.

(My wife made over $2k in her first year doing this in her spare time too!)

3. Start a YouTube Channel

Creating content on YouTube is a a great creative side hustle. In playing producer, you’ll be in charge of:

  • script writing
  • filming locations
  • shooting or sourcing footage
  • editing
  • designing thumbnails

It’s a lot of work, but will definitely exercise your creative muscles. Once your channel reaches certain milestones, you can begin to monetize with YouTube’s built-in advertising options.

(You can also use YouTube in other creative ways, like to sell a digital product or service.)

In my case, YouTube is around a $400/mo income stream:

youtube ad income

4. Freelance Writing

With millions of websites all competing for attention, freelance writing is a service that’s constantly in demand. Someone’s got to create all that content, right?

Georgia Austin even turned her writing side hustle into a full-blown agency!

Here’s a great free resource to get started: Your 9-Step Blueprint to Making Money as a Writer

AWAI - blueprint to make money as a writer

If you have a way with words, make sure to check out this creative side hustle.

5. Web Design Service

In an inspiring Side Hustle Show episode, Chris Misterek shared how he taught himself web design and began earning $3000 a month.

It requires both creativity and technical skills to bring a website to life for a client. But even with a wide variety of DIY options, professional designers are still in-demand.

6. Build a Helpful Website

Write content on a topic you care about and build an audience in your niche.

For example:

Want to start a blog of your own? Check out my free 6-part video course on how to start your own site.