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5 Recession-Proof Skills You Should Have

5 Recession-Proof Skills You Should Have

The word on everyone’s lips now is that the United States is heading towards a recession.

Inflation has eroded the purchasing power of the people and the investor confidence has been when leading to stock market shake-ups that have left a lot of people apprehensive.

Like many others, you may be preparing your mind for a recession, and you may be wondering what recession-proof skills you should have to enable you to get through this season.

While the recession is never what anyone hopes for, it is still a stark reality that once in a while a recession will happen.

This recession may have been expected due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which that left a lot of countries nonproductive for a while. It has also been exacerbated by the Russia-Ukrainian war.

I am a stay-at-home mom whose job is to teach you how to make money from home.

So I may not be the one to analyze the implications of what is happening or going to happen in the future.

My job here is to help you to navigate the times we are in, so you can come out on top, recession or no recession.

One of the best things I have come to know about the different seasons there are in life is that the best way to get yourself out of the rut is to invest in acquiring the skills needed for the time you live in.

For some, it is often a slow process of realizing that their skills have become obsolete and they need to revamp, for some it happened quickly and they are able to switch and make the necessary adjustments.

Today I will share 5 skills that are recession-proof.

If you already have these skills, you will learn how to use them now, if not, I will teach you how you can learn a new skill quickly and be on your way to making money.

So what are the recession-proof skills that you should have in order to best this recession if it comes? here they are

Top 5 Recession-Proof Skills That Can Help You Thrive In a Recession

1. Blogging

Blogging is about sharing information that is helpful to others and creating products that are beneficial.

I chose Blogging as my number one recession-proof skill because it is a knowledge-based skill.

No matter what is happening to the economy, the one thing I am sure of is that people will look for information on how to change their lives change their position, or even start a new life altogether.

Information marketing which is basically what blogging is about will always be a recession-proof skill because people seek knowledge when they cannot understand what is happening.

I remember when the COVID-19 hit, while a lot of o people were concerned about their jobs, I had a huge number of people coming to a post I wrote about what to do during a pandemic.

That post alone increased my traffic by more than 50%.

This goes to show that in times of uncertainty, people look for information to know how to position themselves.

So if you know how to blog, you will certainly find that you will be making money during the recession.

While you may want to know if all types of blogging will make money this season, I am here to say no, not all types of Blogs will make money.

Why is this so? because even though people are seeking information, they are not seeking every type of information, they are actually looking for information that is helpful to the situation they are in.

So what types of blogs will make money this season? Here are some

  • Financial Knowledge
  • Home business
  • How to save money
  • Graduate school blogs
  • Thrifting, saving, and couponing
  • Home-made meals blog
  • Pre-owned fashion

These are a few types of blogs that will be making money in a recession because they offer the type of information that people will be seeking.

Want to learn how to start a blog, join my blogging BootCamp, I will be teaching my participants how to start a blog that makes money.