Kajal Jha, the girlfriend of notorious gangster Ravi Kana, also known as Ravi Nagar, has been thrust into the spotlight following a significant police operation against her partner’s criminal activities. The Greater Noida Police have sealed a luxurious bungalow in South Delhi’s affluent New Friends Colony, valued at approximately Rs 100 crore, which is believed to have been gifted to Jha by Ravi Kana.
This property is part of assets totalling over Rs 200 crore linked to Kana and his gang, who are deeply involved in the illegal scrap metal trade in the Delhi-NCR region.
Jha’s association with Ravi Kana began when she approached him seeking employment but quickly escalated as she became an integral part of his gang. She took on the responsibility of managing the financial records for all of Kana’s undisclosed properties, effectively becoming the most important member of his criminal enterprise.
The crackdown on Kana’s assets, including the sealing of Jha’s bungalow, is part of a broader effort by the police to dismantle the operations of the scrap metal mafia. The gang, consisting of 16 members led by Kana, is implicated in various illegal activities, including the procurement and sale of rebar and scrap material, often through extortion of businesses in the region.
Ravi Kana, who rose to wealth and power after forming the gang, is the brother of another slain gangster, Harendra Pradhan. Following Pradhan’s death in 2014, Kana took control of the gang and even received police protection due to death threats. Despite this, he is currently on the run along with Jha and other gang members, with the police actively pursuing them.
The police’s actions against Kana’s gang have been extensive, with several scrap godowns across Greater Noida and Noida being raided and sealed. Additionally, the authorities have arrested six members of the gang and registered 11 cases against them, including charges of kidnapping and theft.
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