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Cyber Monday purchases could set a record

Cyber Monday purchases could set a record

SANTA BARBARA, Calif.-Sandwiched between Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Giving Tuesday is Cyber Monday.

A businesswoman coined the term back in 2005 and it took awhile to take off due to slow internet service.

Now sales are poised to surpass $11.3 billion reached in 2022.

That figure was almost 25 percent more than Black Friday sales last year.

Stores in Santa Barbara had signs promoting both.

Most of the cyber purchases are reportedly being made on iphones.

Movie theatre supervisor Julissa Locia waited for the clock to strike midnight and made purchases on her iphone while in her pajamas.

She said she bought a few items for herself and has plans to shop for others later.

Enzo Del Nagro bought items on Amazon on Monday without knowing about Cyber Monday.

Now that he does know about it he hopes to be on the receiving end of a Cyber Monday purchase.

He has a camper shell on his wish list and there are deals to be had.

Ellena Mendoza shopped Cyber Monday deals for her business.

She said it isn’t just about presents.

Your News Channel will have more on the busy day that lets your fingers do the shopping tonight on the news.