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Doug Zarkin Explains why Brands must Move Out of the Friend Zone

Doug Zarkin Explains why Brands must Move Out of the Friend Zone

Today, more than ever, brands have to work harder, be more innovative, and think differently regarding how they approach their customers to ensure retention and continued conversions. Against this backdrop, the latest episode of Top Leaders features Doug Zarkin, a name synonymous with innovation in branding. Doug, the award-winning marketing expert, speaks on business marketing and branding strategies in his latest book, “Moving Your Brand Out of the Friend Zone.”

Speaking on this episode, Doug revealed that brands should aspire to be more than just “liked” – they should instead aim for passion and unwavering devotion. He says, “Your brand demands more than fleeting connections in an era defined by instant gratification and influencer saturation; it craves a profound, enduring bond that defies convention.” 

According to Doug, Escaping the Friend Zone unveils actionable strategies to reshape the branding landscape. He described it as beyond merely accumulating ‘likes’; instead, he said, “It is about forging everlasting emotional connections, transforming purchasers into passionate advocates who sing your praises. This isn’t just a strategy; it is a marketing evolution.”