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How Entrepreneurs Can Master The Numbers

How Entrepreneurs Can Master The Numbers

Kyla, a Business Finance Coach with Sasu Consulting, works with business owners and execs to demystify the complexities of financial data.

Financial literacy is often shrouded in myths and misconceptions, leading many entrepreneurs to view it as best left to accountants and finance professionals. However, financial literacy is far more empowering.

Let’s debunk some of these financial myths and look at ways you can help yourself and your team master the numbers.

Myths For Entrepreneurs

Financial literacy can improve your confidence and business decision making. Here are some common financial myths and how a clear understanding of them can positively impact your business:

Myth: ‘I’m too busy running my business to learn finance.’

Reality: Understanding finance basics is essential for strategic decision making. Learning these concepts saves time and resources in the long term.

To fit this into your busy schedule, consider listening to financial podcasts, audiobooks or seminars during your commute, workouts or routine tasks. Networking events and peer discussions also offer efficient learning without huge time investments. For more structured guidance, consult a business finance coach or finance professional.

Myth: ‘Financial details are just for the startup phase.’

Reality: Financial literacy is crucial at all stages of business. As your business evolves, so does the complexity of its financial needs.

Myth: ‘Financial strategy is a one-person job.’

Reality: While an entrepreneur may lead financial strategy, it’s a collective effort. Engaging your team in financial planning can lead to more comprehensive and effective strategies.

Myths For Management Teams

Myth: ‘Financial literacy is only for the finance department.’

Reality: A basic understanding of finance benefits all managers, regardless of their department. It leads to better budget management and more informed decisions.

Myth: ‘Our role doesn’t impact the company’s finances.’

Reality: Every decision, from marketing to operations, impacts the company’s financial health. Understanding this interconnection is crucial for effective management.

Take, for instance, a software-as-a-service company that expedited the release of a new software feature. While this decision initially spurred sales growth, it eventually resulted in increased support costs, customer dissatisfaction and higher churn rates. Consequently, the company had to redistribute resources to address these issues, adversely affecting its long-term revenue and brand reputation.

Myth: ‘Financial targets are set only at the top level.’

Reality: Financial goals should be understood and shared across all levels of management to ensure alignment and collective effort toward achieving these targets.

Overcoming Barriers: Fostering Financial Literacy In Entrepreneurs And Teams

While debunking myths is a crucial step in embracing financial literacy, the next critical phase is overcoming barriers that prevent entrepreneurs and their teams from actively engaging with financial data. Here’s how to approach this:

Start with the basics.

Begin by understanding key financial concepts such as revenue, expenses, profit and cash flow. Tackle one concept at a time to prevent feeling overwhelmed.

Once you have a handle on basic financial terms and concepts, organize workshops and training sessions for your team that cover that information. Ensure these sessions are interactive and relate to your team’s daily work.

Use accessible learning resources.

Leverage online courses, blogs and webinars designed for nonfinancial professionals. Platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, edX and Khan Academy are a good starting point.

Provide your team access to easy-to-understand educational materials and encourage regular discussions about financial topics during team meetings.

Implement financial tools.

Use user-friendly financial software to track and manage your business finances. Tools such as QuickBooks, Xero, Zoho Books or even Excel can be great starters. Introduce your team to these tools and train them on how to use them effectively. This can help demystify financial data and make it more approachable.

Foster a culture of open financial communication.

Transparency about your financial goals and the state of the business fosters trust and shared responsibility. Including your team in financial discussions shows how their roles impact the company’s finances. Building trust involves encouraging feedback, acting on employee suggestions, and admitting and learning from mistakes. Consider open-book management to share key metrics such as revenue and profit margins. Interactive sessions using company data to explain financial concepts can also be highly effective.

Engage with financial experts.

Regular consultations with financial advisors or mentors can provide deeper insights and clarify complex concepts. You can also invite financial experts for guest talks or Q&A sessions with your team. This can provide your team with different perspectives and expert knowledge.

Apply your knowledge.

To solidify your understanding of new financial knowledge, apply it to real-life business scenarios. Challenge your team with projects or scenarios that require them to apply financial concepts. This not only tests their understanding but also enhances their decision-making skills.

Recognize and reward financial wisdom.

Acknowledge and reward instances where financial literacy has positively impacted the business. This can be through recognition in meetings or performance incentives. Celebrate the small wins.

A Team Effort

Breaking through financial literacy barriers is not a solitary journey; it involves your entire team. This inclusive approach not only improves individual understanding but also fosters a more cohesive and financially aware team.

Employees with a firm grasp of business finances often exhibit higher morale, as they appreciate the complexities of business operations and feel more integrated into the company’s mission. This understanding can lead to more informed suggestions for cost-saving measures or revenue-generating ideas, fostering a culture of innovation and financial responsibility.

Employees who are knowledgeable about the detailed aspects of business finance understand the reality of profit and costs, and that net profit is not always as high as it seems. This awareness fosters a positive perception of their role and remuneration, potentially leading to greater job satisfaction and long-term employee loyalty.

By starting with the basics, using accessible resources, implementing practical tools, fostering open communication, engaging with experts, encouraging continuous learning and recognizing achievements, you can build a financially literate and empowered team. This collective financial understanding is foundational to making informed decisions, driving growth and ensuring the long-term success of your business.

Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Do I qualify?