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Pipedrive Vs. Insightly 2023: What’s Best for Your SMB?

Pipedrive Vs. Insightly 2023: What’s Best for Your SMB?

In addition to a full CRM, Insightly also provides fantastic email marketing tools to take advantage of. 

For example, the CRM platform provides the ability to create email templates to easily send out to leads (or schedule them ahead of time). 

We used these features to send out some email campaigns for our affiliate marketing deals (and saw great results). 

Let’s walk you through our experience.

To start with, we created a new email template for the rollout of our newsletter. 

Here’s how it looked (for reference). 

Pipedrive vs. Insightly - Insightly Email Template

We could easily customize the body of each email, add attachments, and add links or custom code.
From there, we could schedule and send each email with just a click. 

These templates saved our team a ton of time manually sending each email.

Here’s our email templates dashboard, where we could see all the templates we created at a glance. 

Pipedrive vs. Insightly - Insightly Email Template Dashboard

Plus, we could easily see the following metrics for our emails sent with Insightly:

  • Open rate: The percentage of recipients who opened our email.
  • Click-through rate: The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in our email.
  • Bounce rate: The percentage of emails that were not successfully delivered.
  • Unsubscribe rate: How many people unsubscribed from our emails after receiving them. 

The need to know: Insightly offers powerful email marketing tools that allow you to easily create, schedule, and track your email campaigns. It’s a great way to keep in touch with leads and nurture them into customers.