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Thank you, thank you. We have much for which we can be grateful

Thank you, thank you. We have much for which we can be grateful

Thanksgiving is the one holiday that touches everyone. That’s one of the aspects of the holiday that makes it universally appreciated.

As business marketers, we have a lot for which we can be grateful this year. During the year there is plenty to grumble about, but if we take a higher-level perspective there is so much about 2022 for which we can be thankful.

To begin, for the most part, the economy held strong, and consumers continued to support their local businesses and services. Yes, there are economic headwinds blowing. But most businesses have persevered, and many have even found a lot of success this year.

On the streetscape I’m happy to see small business owners taking chances on retail space, renting storefronts and offices where people can stop in and shop or do business. If we continue to invest our business marketing energy into our local towns and business centers we will succeed more than we could even imagine.

The risks are worth it as the rewards are great. Every newly rented space is a vote of confidence in our community. Thank you to each and every business that signed a lease, hung out a well-branded shingle and opened doors to the potential for business right here where we need you most, in our neighborhoods.

In 2022 I also became grateful for the remarkable number of marketing options that have become everyday options for even the smallest business. From social media channels to email marketing tools, local advertising opportunities to website development choices to the brand design universe to journalists willing to amplify local stories, we have options.



Some of these marketing tools cost money and some are free and require just our time to pursue them. Ten years ago, we didn’t have nearly as many options.

Today’s small business marketers can test and discover success in ways previously unknown. I’m grateful we have these varied paths to pursue.

Marketing has also become affordable. Truth be told, with so many options at everyone’s fingertips the price of marketing has really declined.

Of course, one can spend a small fortune on marketing, but it is not necessarily a requirement anymore as long as one has a keen sense of what resonates with one’s customers. Small business marketers get a good bang for their marketing buck these days and that is something for which we can say thanks.

More than anything we should say thanks to our customers, our clients, our sources of referral and to the people who champion our stores, services and opportunities. Without this human support, we would not be nearly as successful in the marketing space as we have been this year.



With all the reports of economic doom and gloom, and there is plenty to make us nervous, let us say thanks to each person who has helped our businesses grow and thrive.

On a personal note, word-of-mouth marketing and good old-fashioned human referrals have enabled my practice to thrive. I remain eternally grateful to the many, many people who remember the work I do for clients and who share that with their colleagues and friends.

It’s true when we say, “we are all in this together.” Let us give thanks for all of the successes we have enjoyed this year.

Continue to share your gratitude with your constellation of connections and let’s all work to continue to be successful now and into the new year.

Happy Thanksgiving.

• Rebecca Hoffman is the founder and principal of Good Egg Concepts, a strategic communication and brand marketing consulting practice serving clients around Chicagoland and nationally.