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How Entrepreneurs Can Navigate The Media-As-A-Service Frontier

How Entrepreneurs Can Navigate The Media-As-A-Service Frontier

Founder of PRNEWS.IO, an Ad-tech & PR platform for SMBs around the world.

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, the media industry is witnessing a paradigm shift in the way content is created, distributed and consumed. Traditional methods of public relations and marketing are gradually giving way to more innovative and dynamic approaches.

This is where I believe media-as-a-service steps in. My business provides MaaS solutions, and I find that it is a relatively novel concept in the realm of public relations and business-to-business marketing. For entrepreneurs looking to break into this space, I’ve learned a few important lessons about what it takes to make MaaS offerings a success.

Defining ‘MaaS’

Media-as-a-service is a service offered by media companies to businesses for the purpose of disseminating company-related information. At its core, the goal of MaaS is to give companies access to a wide array of media-related services without having to maintain in-house departments for each aspect of media production and distribution.

Imagine a financial technology company that occasionally needs to spread its news, press releases and articles through various media outlets. Every time they seek media coverage, the public relations department faces the challenge of dealing with individual editorial teams, negotiating publication slots and accommodating revisions. And what if they need not just two but 22 media placements?

Now, envision a scenario where this fintech company subscribes to a MaaS service provided by a media holding company that owns a range of fintech publications. With MaaS, businesses gain the assurance that their corporate news will be published within specific timelines on predetermined media resources. Indeed, MaaS service can be described as a turnkey solution for native advertising.

Overcoming Challenges On The Path To Providing MaaS Solutions

The journey to success in MaaS is not without its obstacles. To ensure such a service delivers tangible results, entrepreneurs must exert effort and overcome specific challenges.

By tackling challenges head-on, entrepreneurs can overcome hurdles on their path to success in the MaaS industry. Quality content, strategic partnerships, regulatory compliance and goal-setting are essential elements that can guide entrepreneurs toward a thriving future in this dynamic landscape.

Deliver high-quality content.

Everything related to the quality of the content you plan to distribute through your MaaS services still holds significant importance. Entrepreneurs must consistently invest in the creation and dissemination of high-quality content to engage audiences effectively. The quality of content impacts numerous metrics, from reader engagement to the SEO attributes of articles. Moreover, I’ve found that high-quality content requires less effort in distribution because it essentially markets itself.

Build strategic partnerships.

Collaboration lies at the heart of MaaS. Successful entrepreneurs should cultivate strategic partnerships with media companies, content creators and distribution platforms. These alliances can be instrumental in achieving broad reach.

How can this be achieved? One of the simplest networking strategies with media companies is to attend relevant conferences. Communication during and after such events can bring consistent clients and ambassadors to your company. Very often, significant conferences have specialized apps where you can initiate dialogue with representatives of companies that interest you long before the conference begins. By the time the event starts, you might already have established relationships with these companies.

Navigate regulatory challenges.

Media is subject to various legal and ethical regulations. Entrepreneurs must adhere to these regulations to ensure compliance with industry standards. Every publication has its editorial policy. Familiarizing yourself with it will help you better understand which materials the editorial team will accept and which they will reject. A clear understanding of these rules will save you time and money.

Set clear goals, and achieve them.

When it comes to media coverage, it’s crucial to establish the right key performance indicators. There’s no sense in saying, “We got seven articles published.” However, it does make sense to say, “Our material was featured on a site with a domain rating of 50,” or, “Our article was read by 1,300 people.” Analytics play a pivotal role in MaaS. Entrepreneurs must leverage data to refine their strategies and gain insights into audience behavior.

Moreover, the media landscape evolves rapidly. Entrepreneurs must remain flexible and adaptive to keep pace with industry changes. For instance, if you’re interested in expanding your content’s reach and user engagement, consider exploring publication opportunities on popular TikTok channels.

By setting clear objectives and monitoring the right metrics, entrepreneurs can make data-driven decisions that maximize the impact of their MaaS efforts. Adaptability and a keen eye on emerging trends are key to staying relevant and successful in this ever-changing industry.

Media-as-a-service can help streamline the process of media outreach for businesses and offer a cost-effective and efficient means of securing media coverage while alleviating the burden on PR departments. For entrepreneurs thinking of breaking into this space, it’s important to keep a few best practices in mind to set your MaaS offering up for success.

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